less than a minute
The Assessment Results OSCAL model stores the observation
list that relate to a specific finding
). These findings are the control evaluations of the component/system, more detail can be found in Assessment Results. The observations are generated by Lula during the execution of a validate
operation, which is underpinned by multiple executions of the Lula Validations.
To map these obserservations to the specific Lula Validation, the validation
prop is used to identify the Lula Validation by unique identifier.
After the validate
operation where observation
are generated in the assessment-results
- Lula will add a observation.props
entry to the result in the following format:
- name: validation
value: "#8894c5cd-e27b-437e-a146-b6b4e9f2be78"
The value
here is the Lula Validation’s UUID.
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